FREE Home Buyer Guide

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FREE Home Buyer Guide

Before making the biggest purchase of your life, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE understand the process. We spent a few weeks putting together a home buyers guide that takes you through the home buying process. Right from picking a lender to your final walkthrough. The guide includes:

  1. What should I look for in a lender?
  2. What you need to start researching
  3. What are your costs going to be
  4. Newer vs Older homes and what are the tax implications
  5. What inspections do you need to do and how much are they?
  6. What is escrow?
  7. How should you take title?

These are just a few things we cover in the buyer’s guide. If you would like a FREE copy see below. We will send it  ASAP. If you would like to check out our in-depth buyer guide you will find it here

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